The Impeccable Mentor Story. This heartwarming short film documents the life of a 23-year old Executive Director of Laces To Bows INC. A nonprofit mentoring program. Empower. Inspire. Evolve. delivers eye-opening answers from pre-teens and teenage girls who battle with issues of today's culture that have the potential to damage women emotionally, mentally, and psychologically.
Laces To Bows Inc. Presents "Rise Above The Triggers" enjoy the recap, because you simply had to be in the room! Healing Starts with YOU
Join us for an inspiring recap of the 'Don't Let the Trigger Stop You from Scoring' basketball game, hosted by Laces To Bows Inc. Sponsored by Sams Club, Paper Planes, and Emery Recreation and Community Center, this event brought together the community to raise awareness about gun violence prevention.
Community baking competition, $1K cash prize Sponsored by Sams Club, Safe Seats, DTLR and Andrews Federal Credit Union.
Shoe City & Laces To Bows Cupcake Wars 2018
Laces To Bows Inc. Nonprofit Mentoring Program Mothers Day Tribute 2019
I’ve had the best opportunity to go and speak at the Prince William County Detention Center
Book release for pretty girl with purpose by author, executive director of Laces To bows INC. Nonprofit mentoring program
Laces To Bows INC. Will be publishing our first book August 1018 here is a behind the scenes for the animated cover of the book!
Laces To Bows INC. NonProfit Mentoring Program Presents! Cupcake Wars 2017 DMV YOUTH EDITION Videographer: @ShotByMLB
WJLA ABC7 CHANNEL 8 NEWS Julie Wright Interview with Laces To Bows INC. Nonprofit Mentoring Program Executive Director Justyn Iman alongside mentees Heaven Day and Taylor Strother.
IntLaces To Bows INC. Hendley Elementary Sponsored By Shoe City
Laces To Bows Inc. Pretty GIRL With Purpose Tour/ Ballou High School
Laces To Bows Inc. Pretty Girl With Purpose Tour/ Carmody Hills Elementary
Executive Director Of Laces To Bows INC. “Motivational Monday” Project 2019